I’m using Sketchtember as motivation to work on some character designs. These are rough and in progress.
I prefer not to give characters ‘stock’ outfits, and plan to play freely with outfits throughout the prompt challenge, so everyone is in some form of underwear on the reference sheets. Except for Mallory, whom I suppose is a never-nude?

Untitled fantasy WIP designs. Note: Nadja is the only one out of any of these charactesr who is not an adult, so in retrospect, I didn’t have to label everyone’s life stage on her account.

Untitled 1970s-era anthro world project. I can’t describe anything about it without sounding kind of insane, but yes, the two ladies do get mistaken for a chipmunk and a squirrel and it kind of annoys them.
(Note: In general I don’t have set plans for what will change about these designs, I expect them to naturally improve and refine through iteration as I work through the prompts. But I’m probably going to intentionally tweak Polly’s color scheme. Also, I did repurpose the robot arm from a past design so if you recognize it, it’s either because it’s elsewhere on my site or because it’s not really that unique looking)

And finally, aliens.
Apparently the four personality types on this blog are ‘neutral’, ‘crabby’, ‘troubled’ and ‘smug’.
Sketch prompts will be posted on my Tumblr and Instagram first and then those worthy of collecting will be collected on the collections page at the end of the month! This is a challenge directed at rough no-pressure art so some of the pieces may not be selected for the site.